Juggling meets Pina Bausch in Gandini Juggling’s Smashed
The company are not content with being superb jugglers. There’s a lot of movement skills and comedic flair too
The company are not content with being superb jugglers. There’s a lot of movement skills and comedic flair too
What a long way we have come since the first flamenco festival in 2003. A very pleasing prelude to this year’s festival in a couple of months.
There is definitely a sense that we are observing a community living on the edges of society and, for all Inger’s protestations…, it is clearly gitano
A dance production that truly speaks to the ills of contemporary society and that is not afraid to make us laugh along the way.
New and unfamiliar works rub shoulders with old favourites, with Sergio Bernal’s The Thinker the unexpected highlight of a super evening
While the company has always projected a sense of excitement and even danger… alas, little was evident in this quadruple bill.
The circus work is skilful. Joshua Fraser’s use of a cyr wheel to symbolise Alec’s immorality and avarice is effective and very well executed
The total commitment of the dancers produces a torrid intensity that sears across the footlights.
Proximity was highlight of the second half. Choreographed and performed by Pett|Clausen-Knight, it is a mature, sophisticated duet
A sort of Peking Opera meets Bollywood mish-mash, with a generous amount of Shakespeare at its roots
Beautifully re-mastered, Powell and Pressburger’s The Red Shoes has lost nothing of its power after 75 years. If anything it has gained it.