Romeo & Juliet
Origins: an inaugural performance by Elmhurst Ballet Company
Applause and warm cheers for a new student company
Looking back, looking forwards with Birmingham Royal Ballet’s Chi Cao
Birmingham Royal Ballet’s recently retired principal dancer in conversation
Danke, Reid! Stuttgart Ballet’s Reid Anderson farewell gala
22 dances in a fabulous celebration evening
Tragedy written in the stars: Birmingham Royal Ballet in Romeo and Juliet
Has a Juliet ever looked so happy as Céline Gittens did?
A searingly witty look at long life and (not so) happy marriage: Lost Dog’s Juliet and Romeo
Fabulously detailed and totally engaging
Sumptuous: English National Ballet in Nureyev’s Romeo & Juliet
Erina Takahashi, as brave and strong a heroine as you could wish for
English National Ballet 2017-8 Autumn/Winter Season
Includes Kenneth MacMillan’s masterpiece, Song of the Earth and Frank Andersen’s La Sylphide
Birmingham Royal Ballet announce their 2017/2018 season
Includes the welcome return of a second mixed programme and a celebration of the work of Sir Kenneth MacMillan