Danke, Reid! Stuttgart Ballet’s Reid Anderson farewell gala
22 dances in a fabulous celebration evening
22 dances in a fabulous celebration evening
Retains some of the theatre buzz plus the potency of close-ups in high definition
Includes Kenneth MacMillan’s masterpiece, Song of the Earth and Frank Andersen’s La Sylphide
SeeingDance editor David Mead takes a personal glance back at the dance he saw in 2016.
Cojocaru produces a very fine dramatic contrast between the corporeal heroine and her corresponding Wili
Excellenty danced excerpts from Giselle, but Chang Kuo-wei’s (張國韋) Alternate Realm (鏡界) takes the honours
It delivers on every level, as do the company who fully engaged both physically and emotionally
Marvellously powerful ensemble choreography and great duets