Shadows by Dutch National Ballet
Three works themed on war, hope and power, the earliest, Kurt Jooss’ The Green Table from 1932, as perennial as war itself
Three works themed on war, hope and power, the earliest, Kurt Jooss’ The Green Table from 1932, as perennial as war itself
Boosted by visitors from Vienna State Ballet and Stuttgart Ballet, an evening of dance and music of amazing quality and variety
In Grosse Fuge, the boldness of the performers, an equal gender balance in numbers and spirit, aligns perfectly with the power of Beethoven’s score
Inspired by Ted Brandsen’s witty 2008 production for Dutch National Ballet, dancers and a slick corps of female robots share the big screen
Hans van Manen’s Grosse Fuge proves convincingly that Beethoven’s music is perfectly suitable for dance
One of those blissful moments when dance, music and design chassé into alignment…a moment of sublime beauty
Destined to become a contemporary ballet classic
Drawn from a remarkable 456 artists and companies suggested