Motionhouse goes on-line

With all immediately upcoming performances and community engagement work cancelled or postponed until further notice, Motionhouse has gone on-line

On Friday March 27, to celebrate World Theatre Day, the company introduced the first of three free screenings of its Earth Trilogy on its YouTube channel: Scattered, about our relationship with water. This will be followed by Broken (our relationship with the Earth) on Friday April 3 at 7pm and Charge (electricity in the human body) on Friday April 10 at 7pm.

Don’t worry if you miss them as they are broadcast. They will be available to view at your leisure at a later date.

Meanwhile, the company dancers are busy working at home to create a range of videos that will also be shared on YouTube from the end of March. Just look for the company’s #TogetherInIsolation playlist where you will find classes to help you and your family to stay active whilst you are in isolation – from classes for parents and small children, classes for older children and adult beginners, right through to dance fitness courses for all levels to enjoy together.

There will also be classes for professionals and tutorials with our dancers for students and young performers, with audition tips and advice. They will be making an announcement on social media when the videos are online, so keep an eye on their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.

Also to be announced soon on social media, they will offer 20 minute free one-to-one tutorials with Executive Director Louise Richards and Artistic Director Kevin Finnan – an opportunity for young or emergent artists to find out more about the creative process and how to run a successful dance company.