Edinburgh Fringe: Two at ZOO – Runners and Walk Man

ZOO Southside, Edinburgh

Cirk La Putyka: Runners
August 21, 2022

“If you want to survive, you have to run,” we are told. And that’s just what four performers of Cirk La Putyka from Prague do. At first, it’s round and round a huge orange tent, stopping briefly to tell us short anecdotes from their lives, all related to time and speed. Then it ramps up. That tent is removed to reveal the biggest running machine you’ve ever seen: a giant treadmill that moves continuously for the rest of show, sometimes slow, sometimes incredibly fast, and on which all the action takes place.

Cirk La Putkya may be a contemporary circus ensemble, but Runners is no ordinary circus show. Directed by Rostislav Novák and Vít Neznal, it does include a few flips but, most of the time, the cast use that treadmill in other, more inventive ways. Backed by two outstanding musicians on keyboards and strings, and who sing beautifully too, there’s a wonderfully lit dance sequence, plenty of light humour and much more as they address the question of why we rush through life.

The thrill of fast movement is never far away. Among the fun numbers is one that sees everyday, mundane activities (brushing teeth, reading, drinking, putting on lipstick) carried out as the machine gets faster and faster. By the end they are wizzing from one end to the other in a couple of seconds.

Other sections include Viktor Černický riding a bike on the running machine (tricky!), and one with huge balls ‘chasing’ a runner. I defy anyone not to recall Indiana Jones. But best comes with the arrival of a Cyr wheel. Ethan Law is super impressive on the floor, spinning at incredible speed, including at one point with no hands. But if that wasn’t enough, he then repeats the act on the conveyor.

The end sees them just run and run as the machine gets faster and faster. You can’t help but urge them on. There’s a real connection as you want them to beat the machine. You’ll have to go to find out whether they make it!

Runners is at ZOO Southside to August 28, 2022. Visit tickets.edfringe.com for tickets.

Don Gun: Walk Man
August 22, 2022

Don Gnu in Walk Man
Photo courtesy ZOO Venues

From running to walking and Danish physical theatre and dance company Don Gnu, remembered by many Fringe-goers for their previous visit and the outstanding and very funny Raiders of the Grey Gold.

Walk Man is a little different in tone. One ordinary day, four ordinary men take a walk through a city. Black and white wooden planks form walkways and pedestrian crossings. The foursome readily follow unwritten rules of good behaviour. They acknowledge each other and allow each other to pass. They stop at pedestrian crossing when the signal tells them to, and only cross when it changes. But then, rebellion sets in. While it’s mildly humorous, it does go on a bit.

Those planks are later used as launch pads to jump from and to hide behind, and in some gentle slapstick. The timing and co-ordination as they are rearranged is as spot on as it needs to be. And yet, it was a little underwhelming. Despite the warmth of the men, Walk Man doesn’t quite connect as you feel it should. Indeed, as you want it to.

Walk Man is at ZOO Southside to August 28, 2022. Click here for tickets.