Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui/Eastman’s Fractus V: the extraordinary ordinary
Cherkaoui, a master of creative movement, meets Noam Chomsky, a master of verbal dexterity
Cherkaoui, a master of creative movement, meets Noam Chomsky, a master of verbal dexterity
Shenzhen Grand Theatre (深圳大劇院), China October 20, 2016 Joy Wang X. Y. Sometimes all that remains of an era is the art it leaves behind and sometimes it is dance that provides its enduring image, a symbolic memento both rooted in time and the transcendental. Watching the Shanghai Ballet (上海芭蕾舞團) in The White-Haired Girl (白毛女) … Read more
Pinocchio given new and refreshing life, and a depth rarely seen. One for all the family
A physical exploration of effort that is cognitively challenging for its audience
His figures are undeniably human and capture the essence of dance by distorting and inflating it
One leaves the theatre admiring, but not uplifted – and somewhat tired from all the jarring insistence