Singapore Dance Theatre in Masterpiece in Motion
The age of Innocence emerges slowly, stealthily from a tapestry of unspooling private narratives
An evening of diminishing returns: Ballet Under The Stars in Singapore
Bournonville Divertissements and Paquita in the same evening – a wonderful lesson in history and continuity
Laurretta Summerscales soars in Singapore’s Superstars of Ballet Gala
“Dancers like Summerscales can transform the most ‘gotcha’ things into something ecstatic.”
Spanish fun: Singapore Dance Theatre in Don Quixote
Uneven dancing but a production that is an absolute joy
Freefalling through time
Beyond time (時間之外) by U-Theatre (優人神鼓) from Taiwan begins with a lone man rotating centre stage, his robe gathering like waves around his lower body.